
  • get - Get resource availability
  • get - Get resources availabilities


    "currency": {},
    "isAvailable": "boolean",
    "price": "number",
    "rentalDelayIsTooSmall": "boolean",
    "rentalDelayMin": "string",
    "rentalDurationIsTooSmall": "boolean",
    "rentalDurationMin": "string"


Name Type Description Additional
currency object Optional, read only.
isAvailable boolean

Returns TRUE if the resource is available for the given date and duration

Optional, read only.
price number

Calculated price for the given date and duration

Optional, read only.
rentalDelayIsTooSmall boolean

Returns TRUE if the delay between the request and the rental date is too small to make a booking on the resource

Optional, read only.
rentalDelayMin string

Minimum rental delay before rental set for the resource

Optional, read only.
rentalDurationIsTooSmall boolean

Returns TRUE if the duration specified is too small to make a booking on the resource

Optional, read only.
rentalDurationMin string

Minimum rental duration set for the resource

Optional, read only.